The European Centre for Environment & Human Health

We are a world-leading, transdisciplinary research and education Centre informing the future health of the planet and people. We conduct world-class research investigating the complex connections between the environment and human health, and work with decision makers at local, national and international scales to put this evidence into practice.

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Our Research Activities

Blue Environments & Health

We are examining the opportunities that oceans, rivers and other water based environments present to human health and wellbeing. This globally valued work is having a meaningful impact on policy makers and communities locally, nationally and internationally.

Climate Change

For more than ten years, our teams have been leading the way in interdisciplinary research to better understand and tackle environment and climate change. We are at the forefront of responding to these issues, working in partnership with governments, business, and communities.

Antimicrobial Resistance & Microbiology

The World Health Organisation cites antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as one of the most significant risks facing the world. Our research focuses on the evolution of resistance in complex microbial communities found in human, animal and environmental microbiomes.

Nature, Biodiversity & Health

Our research is revealing new insights into the vital connections between green space and human wellbeing. With a key focus on biodiversity, our work is informing policies that improve public health and protect our precious natural environments.

Community & Social Inequalities

We are addressing health and social inequalities through a series of local and global projects that examine issues such as healthy homes, workplace equality, digital inclusion, food security, nutrition and health, social prescribing and climate adaptation.

Food Systems & Planetary Health

Most food systems are unsustainable and provide poor levels of nutrition. Our research is aiming to change this, fostering food production that is resilient to climate change, operates within ecosystem boundaries and delivers improved human nutrition.

News and Events


Cool roofs could have saved lives during London’s hottest summer

As many as 249 lives could have been saved in London during summer 2018 had the city widely adopted cool roofs, estimates a new study.


Prescribing nature can improve happiness and reduce anxiety

New research has demonstrated how expanding access to green social prescribing initiatives can improve mental health.


Funding for antimicrobial resistance and climate team

Centre researchers are playing a central role in a new network set to tackle the rising health threats of antimicrobial resistance.