This review has found that structured processes of Web-based horizon scanning, underpinned by strong technical understanding and principles of good practice, can add significant value to an organisation’s decision making process.
This project has its basis in a symposium held at the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory in March 2010, where groups undertaking horizon scanning activities shared practices and reviewed the state of the art. We invited practitioners from both public sector and private organisations attending this symposium, as well as others, to contribute to the manuscript, developing it as an iterative exercise over the last year.
While a growing number of private and public sector organisations have already embarked on the use of the Web as a key information resource, no detailed explanation of the Web-based horizon scanning approach has been published. This review therefore makes an original contribution to this field, with collaborations by horizon scanning practitioners, discussing what constitutes good practice and highlighting areas where future research is needed.
The review first defines horizon scanning and then outlines the general approach currently employed by many organisations using Web-based resources. The benefits and drivers of horizon scanning are then discussed, identifying some organisations currently undertaking activities in the field, and explaining in detail how the Web-based horizon scanning approach is implemented. The review concludes with a discussion of good practice and areas for further research.
Marco Antonio Palomino, Sarah Bardsley, Kevin Bown, Jennifer De Lurio, Peter Ellwood, David Holland-Smith, Bob Huggins, Alexandra Vincenti, Harry Woodroof, Richard Owen, (2012) "Web-based Horizon Scanning: Concepts and Practice", foresight, Vol. 14 Iss: 5