Prior to joining the European Centre for Environment & Human Health (ECEHH), George was a Knowledge Exchange Fellow on the ESRC-funded ACCESS project led by Birgitta Gatersleben (University of surrey) and Patrick Devine-Wright (University of Exeter) based at the University of Surrey, supporting and championing environmental social science in academia, policy & practice and other non-academic arenas. He continues to place great importance on impact-focused research. He was also a Sustainability Fellow at the Institute for Sustainability, University of Surrey. George obtained a PhD in Geography from King’s College London supervised by Ragnar Lofstedt, examining climate beliefs and domestic energy behaviours in England in 2023., following a Masters in Risk Analysis at King’s.
George is an interdisciplinary social scientist, with expertise spanning Geography, Environmental Psychology, and Environment and Energy Social Science. He holds broad research interests, focusing primarily on drivers and barriers to climate change-mitigating activities such as domestic energy saving behaviours, transport and low-carbon heating. He also investigates risk perceptions and risk communication strategies associated with environmental, health and technological hazards, with a particular interest in socio-demographic disparities and equity. George is a mixed-methods researcher, with particular expertise in quantitative large-scale surveys, qualitative focus groups, expert and semi-structured interviews, co-production, and systems mapping exercises.