Climate Change Mitigation and Public Health

Our work in the European Centre on carbon mitigation has contributed significantly to both innovation and policy. Our work with Sagetech in assessing the market potential for their anaesthetic gas capture technology led to an estimation of the carbon footprint of anaesthetic gases in the UK (link to: The carbon footprint of general anaesthetics: A case study in the UK – ScienceDirect).

We have worked closely with Scottish Public Health teams to examine options for carbon mitigation – including in the contexts of dentistry and social care. This builds on earlier work in the Centre modelling the potential options for carbon mitigation in hospitals (link to: Mainstreaming Carbon Management in Healthcare Systems: A Bottom-Up Modeling Approach | Environmental Science & Technology (

Carbon mitigation has significant health benefits in terms of the reduction in air pollution. In the ICARUS project, ECEHH worked with cities around Europe to estimate the costs and benefits of carbon mitigation options and have fed into the development of methodologies to evaluate the health impacts of carbon mitigation.