Nature, Biodiversity and Health

Our research is revealing new insights into the vital connections between green space and human wellbeing. With a key focus on biodiversity, our work is informing policies that improve public health and protect our precious natural environments.

Research project

Greengage pilot RCT

A pilot test for a full randomised controlled trial of nature-based activities designed to support people with depression and anxiety.

Research project

Interviews with participants: Green Social Prescribing Test and Learn Pilots extension project

'Green social prescribing’ (GSP) describes activities prescribed to people (e.g. by their doctor or a link worker) that take place in the outdoors, typically with other people, delivered by a specific organisation.

Research project

Feasibility study: Green Social Prescribing Test and Learn Pilots extension project

As part of the larger Green Social Prescribing (GSP) Test and Learn Pilots extension project, we are carrying out a feasibility study to understand and characterise the best experimental or quasi-experimental study design.

Research project

Green Social Prescribing Test and Learn Pilots extension project  

A consortium of researchers from The Universities of Sheffield, Plymouth, Exeter and Sheffield Hallam have been funded to evaluate a one year extension to the Government’s flagship Green Social Prescribing test and learn pilots programme.

Research project

Tackling health inequalities with natural infrastructure

A five-year project focusing on how policies related to planning, managing, and investing in natural environments can reduce health inequalities.


European Centre for Environment and Human Health – WHO Collaborating Centre status reconfirmed

5 Jul 2023

The European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH) has been re-designated as a Collaborating Centre by the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe for a further four…

Research project

Building individual and community resilience through nature based therapies (RESONATE)

The European Centre for Environment and Human Health (ECEHH), together with colleagues from the Behavioural Sciences Research Group, will lead a work package for a new €7m research project on…


Exeter academics lead WHO report on benefits of urban green and blue spaces to boost health

22 May 2023

A growing body of evidence demonstrates the potential of urban green and blue spaces to generate better health and well-being. Better quality spaces are linked to better human health outcomes,…

Research project

GroundsWell: transforming our cities from the ground up

Exploring inequalities in how people access and use natural spaces in urban areas.

Research project

RENEW : exploring how individuals relate to and experience nature and biodiversity and how this may change with biodiversity renewal

RENEW is a five-year partnership programme (2022 – 2027), led by the University of Exeter and the National Trust and funded by NERC, to develop solutions to one of the…

Research project

How migrant populations can promote health, wellbeing and a sense of place through natural space creation

2022-2026 PhD   Author: Qingyue Xue This PhD research project is focusing on how migrant populations promote health, well-being, a sense of place and belonging in the city through the creation…


New research quantifies the ‘wow’ factor of sunrise and sunset for the first time

19 Jan 2023

A new study has identified the impact that fleeting natural events, such as sunrises and sunsets, can have on people, and sought to quantify their effects for the first time.…

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