Researchers discuss eHealth at House of Lords

Posted on 3rd February 2016

The Centre’s specialists in eHealth and eWellbeing presented to the House of Lords last week, at the Rural Health Network’s 2016 conference.

Chaired by Baroness Byford DBE the meeting focused on how technology can help to improve healthcare in rural settings.

Professor Lora Fleming and Ms Emma Bland discussed how internet-based technologies and mobile applications can help support wellbeing, and were joined by Mark England, Head of Technical Services at Coastline Housing and Tracey Roose, Chief Executive of Age UK.

The meeting highlighted several initiatives that were taking place across the UK, and provided a platform to showcase the pioneering work happening here in Cornwall.

The European Centre is looking to use its growing expertise in the area to spearhead the development of health-boosting technology in Cornwall, and is already working with local companies in this burgeoning field.

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