Latest news
Have a say in our research
Through the creation of a new participation group, the Centre is seeking to involve members of the public in its research. The group will bring together people interested in research to help decide what projects should be undertaken.
Scientists welcome G8 stance on antimicrobial resistance
International experts from across the world recently met at the Canadian Society of Microbiologists to discuss the rising spectre of antimicrobial resistance, highlighting the need for new drugs to replace those that are becoming increasingly ineffective.
Do natural environments benefit children?
PhD Student Rebecca Jenkin considers the existing evidence for the ways in which parks, woodland and the coast can benefit children.
Minister for Energy and Nobel Laureate visit the Centre
The Centre has seen visits from influential members of both the political and academic communities over the last week, with visits from Gregory Barker MP and Sir John Sulston. On…
Green spaces may boost wellbeing for city dwellers
People living in urban areas with more green space tend to report greater wellbeing than city dwellers.
New study will examine transfer of antibiotic resistance
A new research grant from the Wellcome Trust’s Seed Corn Fund is allowing Centre researchers to analyse the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in waste water. The study will provide…
Centre researchers brief Parliament
Centre researchers hosted a briefing to Parliament on Monday 25th March that focused on the complex links between the environment and health.
Photographers interpret environment and health research
Photography students from Truro and Penwith College have been exhibiting work this week which was inspired by the environment and health. The students are studying on the College’s FdA Action…
Review assesses rises in antibiotic resistance
A new review, recently published in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, has cast a critical eye over the evidence surrounding recent rises in antibiotic resistance. The paper has…
Illustrating the fate of pharmaceuticals
New work from data visualisation expert Dr Will Stahl-Timmins is helping academics to understand the fate of pharmaceuticals in the environment. Featured in the journal Science this week, the information graphic…
Centre review published
The European Centre has published its 2011-2012 review. The document highlights the Centre’s key activities since its launch, with details of core research areas, projects, events and business collaborations. Amongst…
New research will reveal health benefits of different environments
A new research grant has been awarded to researchers at the European Centre to help improve understanding of the relationships between natural environments and human health. The £200,000 grant has…