Nina is a PhD student working to understand antimicrobial resistance (AMR) dynamics across the catchment area.
Her research aims to determine the fate of sewage and livestock associated pathogens in natural aquatic environments and the influence of environmental variables on AMR dynamics and pathogen survival. The research will feed into models to estimate the effect of future climate change scenarios on the evolution and transmission of AMR in freshwater and coastal environments. Her research aims to evaluate the risk to human health and the financial implications of different potential interventions.
She is supervised by Professor William Gaze, Dr Anne Leonard and Dr Tim Taylor from the University of Exeter as well as by Bangor University co-supervisors Professor Davey Jones, Dr Peter Robins and Dr Shelagh Malham. This work will be undertaken in collaboration with the North Devon Biosphere Foundation and the Environment Agency, and is funded by NERC via the Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Management of UK Marine Resources (CDT SuMMeR), as well as the University of Exeter.
Nina graduated with a BSc in Microbiology in 2021 from the University of Liverpool, where she also completed her MRes in Clinical Sciences: Infection and Global Health in 2022. During her masters she investigated the impact of Staphylococcus aureus on the evolution of AMR in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
During her undergraduate degree, she worked as a medical laboratory assistant at Liverpool Clinical Laboratories.