Dr Sarah Bell is a health and disability geographer with a particular interest in the intersections between disability, wellbeing, social inequality and the changing environments encountered through the life course. Sarah studied Biological Sciences at the University of Oxford, before completing a Masters in Sustainable Development at Royal Holloway, University of London. She worked as a researcher for four years in the Environment Group of the Policy Studies Institute before moving to ECEHH in 2012 to embark on a PhD.
Sarah’s work examines experiences of health, wellbeing, disability and social inclusion in and with diverse forms of ‘nature’ – from parks, gardens, woodlands, coast and countryside to the weather, seasons and climate change (for example, visit: www.sensing-nature.com). A parallel stream of work seeks to understand how the climate crisis – and prominent societal responses to it – is shaping the everyday lives and adaptive capacities of disabled people (for example, visit: www.sensing-climate.com).